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When I came to my new home at CF Shockwave, I was introduced to Wodify. Does your box have a white board where your coaches use dry erase markers to outline the warm-up and WOD? Do you track your workouts in an app you found or with pen and paper?

Well, Wodify eliminates all that nonsense. {I mean, there are advantages to a tech-free system…no PC crashes, but I wasn’t actually recording any of my stats before}.

How It Works:

– Your box signs up to use the Wodify software. There is a cost, which I don’t have any details on, but if you’re a box owner, you can go to the site and explore.
– Coaches program the WODs into the computer system.
– Athletes sign in, either on a computer or mobile device to sign-in to a class, pay and maintain memberships, log workouts and nutrition, track PRs, and compare performance to others.

Source: http://clubsolutionsmagazine.com/wp content/uploads/2012/09/WodifyWeb.jpg

The app is super easy to use and extremely functional. I haven’t used the nutrition function at all {because, we’re not going to talk about my nutrition these days right now}, but as far as the WOD aspect, it is so great.

Basically, after the workout, you enter your WOD time and any notes about how much you lifted, modifications, etc. Then, your results pop-up on the whiteboard and you can see how you rank in comparison to everyone else who did the WOD that day.

My least favorite part, is that you go in and search to see a 1RM or what you lifted previously. This feature is definitely pushing me further. For instance, yesterday my coach went in and told me I deadlifted 125# last month & made me lift that again. I would have went about 20# lighter if I didn’t know that. {Side note: I think the 125# was a typo the first time…it was heavy!!}

You also can check and see what the WOD is anytime after midnight… Now depending on the type of person you are, this may or may not be a good thing. I have definitely pulled it up a few times and then second thought if I was going. Bad Maggie!

So yeah, I’m obsessed. You should now all go convince your coaches to get this!

PS – Wodify has no idea I wrote this post, I just truly think it’s an awesome app and so happy to have it!


How do you log workouts and nutrition??