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Hey there! I am alive! I have been taking a break from blogging, which may or may not continue…it’s up in the air.

I’m pretty sure things are quite different than the last time we talked so let me give you a quick update:

– I chose to leave my per diem full-time job at the nursing home about 4 weeks ago. I knew that it was only a temporary position, but a long, miserable sinus infection that left me down and out for over a week, sealed the deal. My body had clearly decided enough was enough and I needed to chill out.

– I spent two weeks, basically unemployed, on the brink of an anxiety attack trying to figure out what on earth I was going to do. Hallelujah, that ended last week when I was offered a position with Syracuse City Schools!

– I start orientation tomorrow! I am at a school with a decent Hispanic population, which means I will get to use my coveted Spanish skills! I believe there are other SLPs at the school, which is just awesome in more ways than I can explain.

– I feel like we are finally getting settled into our new home and finding a routine that works for us. Given my sick and unemployed status over the past month plus Zach’s crazy work hours, this has not been an easy task!

– I am learning how to live with someone who is not a roommate. As an only child, and someone that was just living completely alone 3000 miles away, this has its fair share of challenges. In the end, totally 100% worth it, but the day-to-day is not always pretty. {This is normal right??}

– I am back at crossfit and regaining some strength that I lost all too quickly since June! It’s so good to lift heavy and barely be able to get out of bed again! Ha!

There you have it, all sorts of changes. I really don’t know what the future holds at this point, but I am most definitely ready for fall. Bring it!


Are you ready for fall or do you want summer to last forever??